Ursula Napangardi Hudson (b. 1962) is an established Aboriginal artist who originates from Australia’s thriving art community in Yuendumu. When Ursula was young she would watch her aunt, Daisy Napanangka Nelson, paint. “She taught us to paint. I wanted to paint, to teach my kids when they grew up. Tell them the stories, tell the bush tucker stories when they go hunting.”Hudson often paints Yuparli Jukurrpa (Bush Banana Dreaming) and Pikilya Jukurrpa (Vaughan Springs Dreaming), passed down from her father, and Ngapa Jukurrpa (Water Dreaming) passed onto her through her mother. These dreamings have been passed down the generations for millennia and relate directly to the land, its features, and the plants and animals that inhabit it. Ursula uses an unrestricted palette to develop a modern interpretation of her traditional culture.