Rene Napangardi Dixon (1975) originates from Yuendumu in Northern Territory, Australia. She began her schooling at the Yuendumu primary school and finished her schooling at Yirara College, an Aboriginal boarding college in Alice Springs. After leaving school, Rene travelled, “…looking around countryside, staying with family, and learning about the country.” In Kintore, she met her partner and they had a daughter. In 1980 she moved to Nyirripi, a remote Aboriginal community north of her original home, with her children and to be with family. Dixon often paints her fathers Dreaming, Mini Mina Jukurrpa, relating directly to an area west of Nyirripi which is held as an important women’s ceremonial site. Dixon also paints her mother’s Possum Dreaming. Her use of traditional shapes and an unrestricted palette enables her to develop a modern interpretation of her traditional culture, preserving the story for generations to come.